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Biological molecule structure

Pan-European Management of Biological toxin incidents through standaRdisAtion initiatives for Crisis response Enhancement

Biological molecule structure

EMBRACE (Pan-European Management of Biological toxin incidents through standaRdisAtion initiatives for Crisis response Enhancement) is a forward-thinking initiative under the Horizon Europe programme, addressing the critical need for enhanced crisis management strategies tailored to biological toxin incidents. Recognising the unique complexities of biotoxin crises, the project seeks to fill gaps in current protocols derived from broader Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) frameworks.

Over its 36-month duration, EMBRACE aims to revolutionise Europe's biotoxin incident response capabilities by integrating advanced scientific knowledge, innovative technologies, robust operational approaches, and a robust wide network of stakeholders.

Enhance Europe’s biotoxin incident response capacity

Enhance Europe’s biotoxin incident response capacity

To improve Europe's ability to effectively respond to biotoxin incidents by identifying critical gaps in current crisis management frameworks and protocols, and leveraging advanced scientific research and innovative solutions to tailor responses to the unique challenges posed by biotoxin threats.

Develop Innovative Tools and Technologies

Develop Innovative Tools and Technologies

To create novel tools such as portable devices for rapid on-site field diagnostics and biotoxin detection, evidence based recommendations for personal protective equipment (PPE) and novel decontaminants, together with validated sampling and analytical methods to improve of the response to biotoxin threats, by providing first responders with cutting-edge resources for field operations and decision-making.

and Integrate Solutions

and Integrate Solutions

To ensure cross-sectoral and cross-border interoperability of crisis response strategies through a robust programme of standardisation, facilitating consistent application of protocols and technologies across Europe to strengthen collective resilience against biotoxin threats.

Foster Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration

Foster Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration

To establish a biotoxin knowledge network and a sustainable Biotoxin Task Force that unites stakeholders from diverse sectors, enabling the exchange of expertise, experiences and best practices to enhance preparedness and response capacities.

Ensure Sustainability and Commercialisation

Ensure Sustainability and Commercialisation

To implement a long-term strategy that supports the commercialisation of project innovations and maintains an active biotoxin stakeholder community, ensuring the project's impacts and benefits endure well beyond its funded duration.

Project Numbers

Project Partners 18 Project Partners
Project Partners 14 Participating Countries
Project Partners € 5.6 M Millions in funding



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News and Articles

A personal account by Makoto Sawano, Saitama Medical University, Japan
The EMBRACE project is an international initiative designed to strengthen Europe’s capabilities in...
This story starts with a group of people exposed to a biotoxin. While biotoxins are potent poisons...

Partners Map

Partners Map